Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I am very hardworking so I came to update this blog that almost full of dust!
Unlike another one~~wakakaka
Hmm..what to write leh?
Let's start 38!

Tomorrow is our school's sports day until Thursday...
And Friday is great holiday! wahahaha good job school!
Well we planned to go to tick our names then go back home again to...continue sleep? maybe XD
Bad students' 行为, don't learn !! =]
Hopefully the teachers wont be there to "catch" students that are planning as us..=]
A bit speechless, OMG!!
Thursday going to anna's house to do the behind-the-scene
Not much works...just taking some photos..and thinking what to write at the end of the video..
Hope we will done it SOON!!
But according to our speed...hahahahahha -cant imagine-

Ermmm..that's all for 270710!!!
Not much but at least I got update something..wakakakkaka

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