Monday, September 6, 2010


Holidays started!
Ever since last friday, 3/9
And will last until 13/9~~
Today went to liming's house to do folio again...
From 130-6pm =.=
Went to eat at around 5pm...
Nothing special...but wanted to update..wahahahaha

Aiks, maybe going out to Kuching on Wednesday, 8/9..
I will miss home and school de..=[
Hmm, what am I going to do when I am in Kuching?
Movie everyday?!
Later I finish all the movies in cinema! ><
Shopping everyday?
Nothing to buy also!!!
Coop up inside the house everyday?
I will become crazy because of boredom!
Wahahahaha...seems like I can do nothing there..xp
Nvm, go to there and eat everyday ><
Put on many many many weight when come back...wakakakka

All for my update this time..wahahaha
It's quite boring =]
See ya in the next post!

P/S : Copycat, it's time to update le! wahahhaha

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